Patient Partnership Resources


Today I challenge you to begin LIVING your BEST Life!


By empowering you to be proactive on your wellness journey.

9 Pillars of Wellness

Identify Where You are on Your Wellness Journey…

Find a HCP (Healthcare Partner*) that can help you GO THE DISTANCE.
The right HCP can serve as your GPS (Guiding Partner Specialist).

* HCP typically refers to the “healthcare professional” or “healthcare physician” DAMM Good Sleep advocates that the better characterization of an optimal role in a wellness journey is as a “healthcare partner” to reinforce the contribution of each contributor’s expertise (i.e patient = expert in their own life; physician or APP = expert in medical diagnoses, treatments, and testing).

Choose a Healthcare Partner who…







Identify your TARGET Destination Using a Symptom Diary

Ideally, the ideal destination would be for all symptoms or the disorder itself go away. However, it is typically not that simple, nor immediate and at times even possible. Additionally, some people may experience multiple conditions simultaneously that may even be managed by multiple HCPs that can make it feel like you are running in place. A symptom diary provides a description of all the symptoms experienced across an entire day over time to be able to better understand your individual experience.

Using a Symptom Diary

  • Keep tabs on the full 24 hours for 1-2 weeks recording symptoms, triggers and

  • Allows you AND your HCP to identify patterns and trends you may be experiencing related to any conditions you may be experiencing.

  • May Help to Establish a Diagnosis

  • Provides a BASELINE to Grow From

  • Helps Reduce Feelings of Vulnerability by Provides Personal Insights on what YOU can influence or control

Symptom Diary Example

Develop a Progress Map


You and your HCP have been able to identify the next stop on your wellness journey. Make sure to also discuss guardrails, mile markers of progress, and the detour signs that may suggest it’s time to recalculate the route chosen. Progress maps are so critical for helping to recognize and celebrate the steps forward, as well as provide early indicators as to when we have taken a route that needs redirection.